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  • GSHRM June 7 Membership Lunch Meeting

GSHRM June 7 Membership Lunch Meeting

  • Tuesday, June 07, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Poinsett Club, 807 E Washington St, Greenville, SC 29601


  • For current GSHRM members.
  • Special Meeting: Nonmembers are invited to attend with or without a GSHRM member as sponsor.
  • For GSHRM Corporate Group Members Only.
  • Registration Code Required. Contact administrator.

Greenville Tech logo in Green and Purple Text
Platinum Meeting Sponsor

Leveraging Economic Workforce Incentives

Registration Fee: $25. Register by June 2, 2022

Meeting attendees will hear from a panel of Economic Development professionals from several local organizations including SC Works, the City of Greenville, the Greenville Area Development Corporation, and the South Carolina Department of Commerce. The discussion will be moderated by Jennifer Moorefield of Greenville Technical College.

Topics of discussion will include available workforce and training resources, tax incentives, and grants for supporting community businesses and organizations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Become familiar with the workforce development resources available such as training funds, grants, recruitment services, and incentives to hire from non-traditional pipelines.

  2. Overview of the differences between city, county, state incentives.  Where, when and how they can be applied.

  3. Provide information on other resources (ex. Move Up!, Skill Up!) and ways to keep up to date on programs and initiatives with economic development allies.


Headshot of George Acker, white man with grey hair blue shirt and navy jacket

George Acker
Existing Industry Manager
SC Dept. of Commerce

Jennifer Moorefield
Associate VP, Economic Development and Corporate Training, Greenville Technical College

Photo of white woman with long blonde hair, glasses, white shirt and jacket

Johnnie-Lynn Crosby
Regional Director of Business Solutions
SC Works Greater Upstate

photo of white woman with brown hair, plaid brown jacket

Ashley Keene
Existing Industry Manager
Greenville Area Development Corporation


photo of white man with facial hair, white shirt, red and blue tie, navy jacket

Mike Panasko
siness Development Manager
City of Greenville Economic Development

Speaker Bios

George Acker is retired after 35 years as SC VP of external Relations for Duke Energy. Since 2016, he has been employed by SC Commerce from to call on existing industry in Greenville, Spartanburg, Cherokee, Laurens  and Union Counties. George serves as Chairman of a number of regional/statewide organizations such as the Upstate Alliance, the Clemson University Research Foundation, and the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities. He is currently or previously been a board member of a number of organizations  including ANMED Hospital Board, ANMED Foundation Board, SC Chamber of Commerce, Spartanburg Chamber, Upstate Better Business Bureau, Tri-County Tech., and the Tri-County Tech. Foundation. George holds a bachelor's from UNC-Chapel and a master's from UNC-Charlotte. In his current role, he has visited over 400 upstate manufacturers on behalf of SC Commerce to assist on a variety of manufacturing issues.

Johnnie-Lynn Crosby, Regional Director of Business Solutions, currently with SC Works Greater Upstate has more than nineteen years of workforce development experience and is actively involved in several workforce initiatives in the state of South Carolina. Johnnie-Lynn is responsible for leading a 14-county regional team through the development of sector partnerships for Diversified Manufacturing and for leading a regional multi-agency business solutions team across Cherokee, Greenville, Spartanburg and Union counties. Johnnie-Lynn is a graduate of various county Leadership programs, Leadership South Carolina and the Spartanburg Regional Fellows program. She is a former authorized WorkKeys job profiler and Career Development Facilitator. Johnnie-Lynn is also a graduate of the Economic Developers program from the SC Economic Development Institute. In her role as Regional Director of Business Solutions, she has developed and implemented many company specific projects and successfully enhanced the pre-screening, recruiting, training and retention programs with many companies throughout the Greater Upstate of South Carolina. As a Business Consultant, Johnnie-Lynn is constantly seeking innovative ways to create and promote high quality business services. She feels high quality business services will impact the Greater Upstate community, and in turn will impact the workforce development and economic development of South Carolina and improve the quality of life for South Carolinians. She is confident that with passion and commitment South Carolina will continue to flourish.

A native of Greenville, Ashley Keene earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration as well as a Master in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business from the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. She is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma Economic Development Institute. She began her Economic Development career as an intern at the South Carolina Department of Commerce. She then worked as Deputy Director of Economic Development for Charleston County, SC. One of the primary responsibilities of this job was running a business retention and expansion program. After returning to Greenville in 2013, she joined Furman University as Director of Development Systems. In 2020, Ashley was named Existing Industry Manager at the Greenville Area Development Corporation (GADC). In this role, she serves as a liaison to existing companies across Greenville County to ensure the community is being responsive their needs as well as encouraging their growth. Besides leveraging state and local resources to help facilitate capital investment and job creation of our local companies, she also serves as an ombudsman to help with any challenges they are facing.

Jennifer L. Moorefield is the associate vice president of the Economic Development and Corporate Training Division at Greenville Technical College, responsible for the day-to-day operations of the continuing education division, serving more than 9,600 students each year. Jennifer is an experienced higher education administrator and an expert in organizational effectiveness and change management with over 25 years of experience providing coaching, facilitation, training and leadership services to business and industry. Her organizational roles have included department head for Quality and Organizational Effectiveness and adjunct faculty at Greenville Technical College; Principal Consultant, Triad Consulting; and, Sr. Director of Human Resources, Dynegy.

Jennifer, a Furman University Riley Institute Diversity Fellow, is chair-elect of the Greer Chamber of Commerce, serves as president of the SC Technical College Chief Continuing Education Officer Peer Group, board member for SCACHE (South Carolina Association of Continuing Higher Education), SCAEDA, graduate of the SC Economic Development Institute and member of the Greenville County Workforce Board’s SC Works Committee.

Mike Panasko is currently the Business Development Manager for the City of Greenville’s Economic Development Office.  He started his career in economic development working with the regional economic development agency known as the Upstate South Carolina Alliance, and then Innovate Anderson- a public private partnership in Anderson County.  Prior to that, he spent several years working in the private sector involved in the specialty technology field with firms Mid-South Data Systems and ScanSource. 

Mike is an active member of the South Carolina Economic Developers Association (SCEDA), sits on the Greenville County Workforce Development Board, sits on the Small Business Development Advisory Board, and serves as an administrator for the Greenville Local Development Corporation.  Mike has been an Upstate resident since 1995 having relocated from Pittsburgh, PA.


HR Certification Credit: GSHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities. This program is approved for 1 hour of SHRM re-certification credit and 1 hour of HRCI General re-certification credit. Certificates will be emailed to those in attendance after the meeting along with a Feedback Survey.

Poinsett Club Dress Code: Business casual. For gentlemen, a necktie is not required. Ladies shall dress appropriately. No jeans, shorts, or tennis shoes will be allowed. Cell phone use is not allowed in the Club.

Solicitation at Meetings: With the exception of our meeting sponsor(s), GSHRM enforces a no solicitation policy at meetings. View the policy here.

Accommodations: Please indicate any special accommodations or dietary restrictions on your reservation form, or contact by the registration deadline.

Cancellation Policy:  Cancellations after the deadline date are subject to the meeting fee payment. Please direct changes or questions to

Contact Us:
P: 864-902-7010


P.O. Box 5202
Greenville, SC 29606

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