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  • GSHRM Webinar: The Emotional Intelligence Employee Development Blueprint

GSHRM Webinar: The Emotional Intelligence Employee Development Blueprint

  • Tuesday, March 14, 2023
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar


  • For Corporate Members Only. Registration code required.
  • Non-Members

GSHRM Webinar

The Emotional Intelligence Employee Development Blueprint
  We now have over three decades of research on emotional intelligence (EI). Yale University has its Centre for the Study of Emotional Intelligence. Google, Nike, Amazon and Microsoft base their leadership development programs on EI. The World Economic Forum has listed EI as a top-ten employment skill. And yet, the concept of EI or EQ remains poorly understood by many. What exactly is EI/EQ and why is it so important that HR professional know and understand why it matters to employee development and organizational effectiveness? Research provides us with concrete, evidence-based models of EI, which allow us to assess levels of competency (EQ) and provide roadmaps or ‘blueprints’ for development. Join David Cory, Canada-based coach and leadership development specialist, as he shares with you what you need to know as an HR professional for yourself and your own career and how to best help your employees to develop their emotional intelligence skills.

**Zoom link will be provided following registration**

Refunds: Cancellations must be made by March 8, 2023
in order to be fully refunded.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain what we mean by emotional intelligence and how it is foundational to the ability to make an impact, resilience, agility and inclusion
  • Describe one of the world’s leading models of emotional intelligence
  • Take away 5 Keys for developing EI competencies


– DAVID CORY, B.Ed., M.A., C.P.C.C.

David Cory is a leadership development coach, trainer, and consultant known for his expertise in applying the concept of emotional intelligence to individual and organizational performance improvement. David founded one of the first companies in North America to focus on the development of leadership based on emotional intelligence in 1998. In the course of his work, David has been an invited guest of the Sultan of Brunei, worked under armed guard in Nigeria, been kicked out of a restricted area in Saudi Arabia, chased by an elephant in Zambia, and sang for royalty in Malaysia. David’s company completed the design of a leadership course based on emotional intelligence for the citizens of the Republic of Botswana. Finally, David was a key-note speaker at an international EQ conference at the Harvard Medical School in 2013 and was the closing key-note speaker at the Asia HRD Congress in Malaysia in 2016.


HR Certification Credit: GSHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities. This program is pending for 1.0 hour of SHRM re-certification credit and 1.0 hour of HRCI General re-certification credit. Certificates will be emailed to those in attendance after the meeting along with a Feedback Survey.

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