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Greenville SHRM - Affiliate of SHRM

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  • GSHRM Affinity Group- Recruiting & Talent Acquisition

GSHRM Affinity Group- Recruiting & Talent Acquisition

  • Thursday, January 25, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • ArcPoint Labs (101 N Main Street, Suite 301 Greenville, SC 29601)
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GSHRM Affinity Group -
Recruiting &
Talent Acquisition

Date: Thursday, January 25, 2023
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Location: ArcPoint Labs
(101 N Main Street, Suite 301 Greenville, SC 29601)

Tickets: FREE
(Seats are limited, so don't wait!)


Join us as we connect with our GSHRM members to discuss creative ways we are finding success with hiring and retaining talented employees. This meeting provides all attendees with the opportunity to collaborate and share what processes are working, common struggle points, what are candidates seeking during the hiring process, and so much more!

Group leaders: 

Mary Lukomske and Ashlee Kaiser


***GSHRM Affinity Groups are for current
GSHRM Members***


HR Certification Credit: GSHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities. This program is pending for 1 hour of SHRM re-certification credit and 1 hour of HRCI General re-certification credit. Certificates will be emailed to those in attendance after the meeting along with a Feedback Survey.

Poinsett Club Dress Code: Business casual. For gentlemen, a necktie is not required. Ladies shall dress appropriately. No jeans, shorts, or tennis shoes will be allowed. Cell phone use is not allowed in the Club.

Solicitation at Meetings: With the exception of our meeting sponsor(s), GSHRM enforces a no solicitation policy at meetings. View the policy here.

Accommodations: Please indicate any special accommodations or dietary restrictions on your reservation form, or contact by the registration deadline.

Cancellation Policy:  Cancellations after the deadline date are subject to the meeting fee payment. Please direct changes or questions to

Contact Us:
P: 864-902-7010


P.O. Box 5202
Greenville, SC 29606

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