$100/person: register and pay hereSpecial Discount for SHRM members! Email Whitney Storz at wstorz@andersonuniversity.edu to register for $90 with a special code.
Sponsorships Available! NCSHRM, SCSHRM, Greenville SHRM, and Anderson University are partnering to provide a one-of-a-kind conference just for Young HR Professionals! This unique day-long event will consist of interactive sessions that will give you the tools to grow and adapt in your career. The conference will include 6 hours of SHRM and HRCI credit and a networking event at the end of the day so you can make those contacts that could change your career!
HR Certification Credit: This program is approved for 6 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. It is also pending approval for 6 hours of HRCI general re-certification credit.
Click for information about the SHRM HR Case Competition taking place at Anderson University on Saturday, February 29th. Volunteers are invited to assist with the competition.
P.O. Box 5202 Greenville, SC 29606